Frequently Asked Questions

Is Frameworks Facilitation part of a financial advisory firm?

No. Frameworks Facilitation is an independent entity that focuses solely on the relational aspects of wealth transfer. We do not advise clients on any financial aspect of their planning – we leave that to your financial advisory team. In fact, we don’t even need to know your net worth. We aren’t advisors or attorneys, though we partner with them often to help their clients have meaningful wealth transfer discussions.

Why do clients choose to work with Frameworks Facilitation?

Clients often come to us when they feel overwhelmed by how inheritance may affect their families. They worry about discussing it ‘the right way.’ We help clients have family meetings that are a natural fit for their family.

How do you work with clients?

After an introductory call to review your family’s needs, we schedule a time to meet in person for your family’s session. We offer 3-hour sessions, weekend retreats, workshops, and keynotes. We work with clients throughout the U.S.

Do you only work with clients of a certain net worth?

No. Our services are based on a flat fee, and we work with clients of any net worth who think our frameworks could help them. However, most of our clients have significant complexity to their planning.

What type of results can we expect from our time with you?

Clients often report:

  • feeling closer to their family members,

  • being less overwhelmed with their planning,

  • having more productive conversations with their advisory team after their sessions.

Here’s what a few of our clients have said:

Even though our kids are young, we want them to get used to being part of the conversation. This was a great first step. We didn’t really know what to expect, but our session was age-appropriate for our kids and it helped us to know how to talk with them going forward.”

This was time well spent. We got to share our philanthropic vision with our teenagers. They were more interested in talking about it than we thought they’d be. Now we’re all excited to continue the conversation!”

We wish we would’ve done this years ago. Our grown kids finally know a few details about our Trust, and we got to share why it’s so important to us that they steward this with wisdom and accountability.”